Matamu.NET – Punya niat melamar kerja sebagai barista di cafe atau perusahaan besar sekelas Excelco atau Starbuck? Tapi mau menggunakan surat lamaran kerja bahasa Indonesia?
Sebaiknya dipikir lagi deh, soalnya dalam formulir pendaftaran lamaran kerja yang ada di situs itu ada formulir yang menanyakan jumlah bahasa yang kamu kuasai selain bahasa Indonesia.
Hal ini bisa dilihat di kolom edukasi di situs tersebut yang saya screenshoot seperti di bawah ini !

Nah di kolom tersebut ada tiga pilihan bahasa dengan tingkatan bahasa yang kamu kuasai. Tentu saja karena perushaan ini levelnya sudah internasional maka besar kemungkinan kamu bakalan punya kesempatan untuk mengembangkan karir sampai taraf internasional.
Jadi sebagai saran saja, sebaiknya jika melamar sebagai barista di perusahaan sebesar Starbuck sih sebaiknya pakai bahasa Inggris. Untuk formatnya mungkin saya akan bagikan beberapa contoh Aplication Letter yang bisa kamu gunakan.
Tdaik perlu panjang lebar, berikut ini contoh surat lamaran kerja sebagi Barista dalam bahasa Inggris
Daftar Isi
1. Contoh surat Lamaran Kerja Formal Bahasa Inggris

March 26, 2022
Baby Angella SE
Jl. Jl. Tlk. Bayur II, Parang Tambung, Makassar,
Sulawesi Selatan, 90224
Dear, HRD Manager of Starbuck Makassar
I am writing to apply for the Full Barrista position advertised in the Official Site and Instagram of Starbuck Indonesia. As Requested, I onclose a complete job application, my certification, my resume, and three references.
The role is very appealing to me, and I believed that my strong technical experience dan education make me a highly competitive candidates for this position. My ket strength that would support my success in this position include :
- I have successfully designed, developed, and supported live-use applications.
- I strive continually for excellence.
- I provide exceptional contributions to customer service for all customers.
With a Bachelor degree in Hospitality, I have comprehensive understanding of the using and calibrating of Expresso Machine for multi trademark. I also have experience in working with high rotation time schedule. Please see my resume for additional information on my experience.
I can be reached anytime via email at or by cell phone 0876 8976 8979
Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to speaking with you about this employment opportunity.
Baby Angella SE
Link Donwload
2. Format Surat Lamaran Kerja Bahasa Inggris Deskripsi
Dear HRD Manager of Starbuck Indonesia
I am writing to express my interest in the Full Time Barista Position listed on Starbuck Indonesia Official Instagram Account. I have five years experiences on two local coffee shop in Makassar. I understood of the social and advertising value of Barista position for coffee shop and I confident the my experience will be an asset to Starbuck Indonesia as well as Starbuck International.
I have worked on Tana Merah Coffee Shop for two 3 yeras as senior Barista which provide not only for serving costumer but also for training a new Barista. I have also helped the Branch Manager to manage and scheduling the Barista weekly and monthly rotation.
I fill exited to follow any developing training in field of Hospitality as ma my fashion in my profession and having a lot of experiences working individually and in team.
Thank you for your consideration.
Baby Margaretha
0812 3456 7890
Akhir Kata
Itu dia dua conoth surat lamaran kerja sebagai Barista dalam bahasa Ingris. Apakah anda ingin dibuatkan surat lamaran kerja dalam bahasa inggris untuk posisi selain barista? Silahkan Hubungi kami melalui instagram @ahmadzargon